big news this week appears in Katie Hill’s post (1) and syndicated round the
world by the BBC (2). A big Film Festival is scheduled to open in Minneapolis
on August, 30th, 2012. Why is this so compelling? Because you avid
fans of action movies (and sometimes inaction movies) out there can nominate
your fav clip.
clips are YouTube type videos of cats being cats being cats. Clever cats, comic
cats, capering cats, conniving cats, contrary cats, comely cats, celebrity cats
and, of course, let’s not forget cute cats will be hogging the limelight
exclusively. No dogs will be able to cock a leg at this parade.
cat’s coming back. Last years most viewed YouTube celebrity video was the
talking dog, but with such a cat cornucopia to choose from after August, 30,
dogs will be left in the dust chewing slippers.
off your nomination, mark your cat’s calendar and there will be no caterwauling!